I am MOM

I am MOM
If I knew then what I know now . . .
"I take a very practical view of raising children. I put a sign in each of their rooms: 'Checkout Time is 18 years.'"
Erma Bombeck

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dash Away

I feel like I have been waiting years for our guinea pig Dash to die. Not because he has had failing health, or because it is particularly hard to care for a guinea pig. But, it seemed like he had lived long past his best before date. The average life expectancy of a G.P. is 3-5 years; and we have had him seven years!

Many would argue that he lived so long because we treated him too well! Probably true, and even though we have a cat and a dog, neither were any threat to his well-being. Most of the adult cats have been afraid of him, and many of our kitten fosters just thought he was one of them, albeit a bit slower, and not much of a jumper. We had one kitten that would climb right into the cage with Dash and lie down.

However, when I got the call that Dash was faltering, it was not the relief that I thought it would be.

Watching the kids say goodbye to Dash has been the hardest. When we got our two guinea pigs, Laurèn was five and Yohannes was four (that was, I think, the most significant "risk" to our pig). They have grown into tweens since then, and SO MUCH has changed!

By the time I arrived at the veterinary clinic, Dash was a cool 34 degrees, his eyes were closed, and he was no longer able to move (but he still hummed when he heard my voice). After arrangements had been made for his “send off”, I was up front with the receptionist.

She looked up at me, and asked, “Would you like a general cremation, or a private cremation?”
I simply stared at her, stumped…where am I again? Who are we talking about? Has someone died?  She just stared at me—right at me. “Ummm….” I faltered (I was waiting for her to offer full memorial services too.)
“In the general cremation the animals are cremated together, and then the ashes are spread outside of the city, …
Is that legal?
“…and in a private one, it will be just your pet, and you can come and collect the ashes.”
What?  “The general cremation sounds fine.”

I said goodbye to Dash, and our retirement savings, and headed home.  It is sad. Our pets are much loved here. But, in the words of Yohannes this morning, “It’s okay mom, it’s the circle of life.”

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